Elite Test Prep & Tutoring

Do you want to ace or catch up on your math classes?
Or looking for great scores when it comes to your SAT, ACT Tests?

At Mathupside, you will improve your score, gain confidence and conquer the terrifyingly beautiful world of mathematics.

Call or text (323) 393 0203

Why me?

  1. Uniquely qualified: I am highly experienced in teaching, with a PhD in Mathematics.
  2. Proven methods: 15 plus years of experience in teaching and education.
  3. Result-oriented: Costumized and personalized guidance to improve fast.
  4. Supportive: Recognize, support and cater to each student's unique learning style for a thriving educational environment.
  5. Accomodating: Online (Zoom or Google Hangout) or in-person (near Yorba Linda) tutoring.

Call or text (323) 393 0203