Dr. B is a fantastic tutor! He knows his stuff and my son is learning a lot from him as he gets through his higher level college classes. We are very pleased with his efforts and plan to keep him on for next semester as well.
I have worked under many tutors by far Dr. Bee is the best! When it comes to working on projects or homework's. He tells me outright what I am looking for and THEN we solve together to get to the point. After which he builds up concept and theory. Which is how math should be taught! I intend on recommending him to many others!
Bee worked with my twins in advance of a big Algebra 2 exam. He was flexible, accommodating and extremely knowledgeable. Both kids benefited tremendously from working with him. So happy to have this quality of tutor available!
Dr. Bee helped my son prepare for his SAT test. My son grew more confident after each session and he scored more than his targeted score. He is easily reachable and responds to texts and calls quickly, and often is open to rescheduling. We strongly recommend the services of Dr. Bee for SAT math section.
Bee is a great tutor in that he is very patient and caters to the student's needs. He helped me on my SAT math prep for the upcoming SAT test, and I feel confident in my ability to do well. Not only has he gone over tactics, he has also gone through lessons of math concepts that I do not understand. I would recommend him to anyone who needs help in math.
My daughter is struggling with Calculus BC this semester. Some problems in her tests were very challenging. He is very knowledgeable and encouraging. After having three lessons with him, my daughter understands the concepts deeply and has more confidence in her Calculus abilities.